leafleafleafDocy banner shape 01Docy banner shape 02Man illustrationFlower illustration


Returning Armies
.s eta
.s genshome
.s slot,som,needsom,se,seen /war needsom>0 /l /n
.s nw,defhome,rx,eta s14 s21


Military Strength
.s osoff,mountedoff1,eliteoff
.s gh,mountedoffhome
.s osoffhome
.s nw,pmilitary0,pmilitary20,mounted ; offense with 0% leets and with 20% leets
.s off,def +12 ; Similar to Prophet command
.s mountedoff,def,nw [NAME]
.s off,nw,inc /war
.s defhome,genshome,inc /war


.g trad /war
.g learn 3:4
.g trad [username] /world ~cf ~war defhome<400000 ; Best tradmarch gains for username in all of Utopia that are not cf’d and not at war with less than 400k def

The Out of range trad march command is useful for calculating gains for a cow hitting in war; oortL is the expected land gain and oortQ is the quality of def/land.
.s oort,defhome [username] /war top5

name                       | oortQ | oortL  | defhome   
Krang                      | 5.03  | 228    | 452,945   
Mangiafuoco                | 4.27  | 209    | 489,776   
Durotan                    | 3.93  | 65     | 165,295   
A politically correct name | 3.93  | 180    | 457,826   
Sylvester                  | 3.84  | 156    | 405,843   
TOTAL (5)                  | 21.01 | 838    | 1,971,685 
AVERAGE                    | 4.20  | 167.60 | 394,337.00
PER ACRE                   | 0.00  | 0.03   | 71.07 


.s nw username s2 ; Compare networth to enemy prov
.s nw,maxoff,eta [race] /l



.ambushes on:binar ; Quality is the amount of acres regained over the offense needed to break

Prov      | Quality | Hit | Bush | RawDef  | E | D
HYOLYN    | 17.1    | 375 | 187  | 109,160 |   |  
Woot Woot | 14.4    | 256 | 128  | 89,173  |   |  
Woot Woot | 11.3    | 137 | 68   | 60,071  |   |  


.s overpop,op [provname] ; amount of population overpop’d and the % overpop
.s rx [provname] ; checks to see if province is rioting due to overpopulation


.set dr [res,norm,agg,eme]
