The following samples are very useful queries to use in war. !s means they update automatically for 24 hours, making the orders dynamic.
!s gross_gc,dtpa,wtseffect,wts,slot top5 /war /l /n riots<1 gross_gc>20000 ~halfling
!s wages_gc,hasrm,se,rwpa,slot /war greed<1 wages_gc>15000 /l /n ~el ~fa
!s peons,pspa,storms+NB,Chastity,hasrm,knthieves,slot /l s19 s14
!s peons,popspace,chastity,dwpa,rm,se,slot /l /war /n popspace>1000 chastity<1 ~elel
!s be,hasrm,se,rwpa,slot /war bliz<1 wages /l /n ~el ~fa
Stealing resources
!s gc,dtpa,wtseffect,wts,se,slot,sot /n /war gc>500000 /l
!s runes,dtpa,wtseffect,wts,se,slot,sot /n /l /war
Expose Thieves
!s stealth,lastet,slot,se,dwpa ha /n /l s1 s18 s20 s23
Meteor Showers
!s defhome,hasrm,dwpa,slot,se /n /war ms<1 /l
Night Strikes
!s troop,dtpa,nw,nsthieves,slot s12 s2 /l /n
!s troop,dtpa,nw,arsthieves,gawtsthieves,slot s12 s2 /l /n
.s thievesneeded
; lists the thieves needed for every type of sabotage op
!s stealth,slot /self
Abolish Ritual
!s land,wiz,dwpa,abolish,slot /n /l /war ~de ~fa ~ha ~el rm<1 abolish<10
.s owpa,abolishcost,mana chad saptz retard devid /l
* : cast mf
WPA Calculation
In order to calculate a province’s WPA, in the same tick you need to gather the following intel:
- 10 thief survey
- 10 thief spy on science
- 10% thieves infiltrate thieves dens
- 10% spy on throne
!s land,slot,wpacalc,se 6:7 /n /l wiz>24 seen>0.5
wpa calc is only provinces not online, if they hit or do anything mid-calc it will fail that is why the ‘seen’ command is used.