.s pool /self
; shows the current pool for the whole kd
.s pool eventname
; shows the projected pool at the time of eventname
.s median
.s explore,land+,tax,mills
name: Dorje | pool: 894 pool2: 447 | poolAge: 0.17 goldCost: 1,220 | soldCost: 8 wealthCost: 2,020 | landPool: 1,988 maxExplore: 26 | expGoldAid: -121,678 expSoldsAid: 208 | expGoldTot: 31,720 expSoldsTot: 208 | expWealthTot: 52,520 exploreFinalWealth: -1,954,295 | exploreFinalTb: -1,955,150 land+: 1,094 | tax: 41.84 mills: 13.66 |
.s land,land+ elf
.s poolage /self poolage>10 /l