leafleafleafDocy banner shape 01Docy banner shape 02Man illustrationFlower illustration


.i sot
.i sur
.i sos
.i som
.setup ; shows a province’s race/personality setup
.s intel ; shows how long ago each intel type was updated


Province Info
.s prov
.s honor
.nick +akaname ; adds more aliases to your name


Province History
.s provnews [ticks] ; outputs all province logs from the last x number of ticks
.s dayslogged ; how many ticks you have logged in

.s history ; all of the following can be queried separately as well

name:    Winter | his:            -9
highestNW:    0 | landGained:      0
highestLand:  0 | attacksSuffered: 0
highestHonor: 0 | timesDefeated:   0
explored:     0 | landLost:        0
attacksMade:  0 | thiefOpsDone:    0
attacksWon:   0 | thiefOpsSucc:    0
largerWins:   0 | spellsAttempted: 0
attackRelNW:  0 | spellsSucceeded: 0



.s gc,gcpa,net_gc,wages_gc,gross_gc

.s net_gc +12 /t

Feb13Y01 | 23,087 
Feb14Y01 | 24,702 
Feb15Y01 | 24,322 
Feb16Y01 | 28,288 
Feb17Y01 | 31,904 
Feb18Y01 | 32,065 
Feb19Y01 | 35,505 
Feb20Y01 | 34,541 
Feb21Y01 | 39,375 
Feb22Y01 | 39,173 
Feb23Y01 | 36,387 
Feb24Y01 | 45,071 
Mar01Y01 | 47,324

.s income +12

name:        hengz | gross_gc: 388,486
wages_gc:    2,300 | net_gc:   386,186
gross_runes: 8,070 | net_runes:  6,973
gross_food:      0 | net_food:       0

.s runes,gross_runes,net_runes,ritcost

.s food

Checks food in 6 hours
.s +6 food,net_food /t
* : recast fl : build unknown

Tick     | food   | net_food
Jan01Y00 | 30,527 | 522     
Jan02Y00 | 31,028 | 1,193   
Jan03Y00 | 32,200 | 1,160   
Jan04Y00 | 33,340 | 1,129   
Jan05Y00 | 34,450 | 1,099   
Jan06Y00 | 35,530 | 1,069


Trade Balance
.s tb
.s gcspace ; this shows how much gc your prov can receive before taxed
.s runespace ; this shows how many runes your prov can receive before taxed
.s soldspace ; this shows how many soldiers your prov can receive before taxed


.s fulldungeons,emptydungeons
.s land,build$,raze$
.b [any building] ; shows building efficiency and effects

.s buildtimeexact
* : recast bb
+0 : ritual expedient 120

.s credits ; shows the building creds, soldier creds and their age (for decay)

name: Winter | BCreds:   200
BC_Age:   13 | SCreds: 4,000
SC_Age:    3 |


.s spells ; shows all the spells province currently has casted
.s ritcost
.s mana,stealth

.spellcost LL

Land lust | Dorje
Land: 125 | Runes: 1443
@2: 43290 | @3: 28860


.s training
.s troops
.s maxoff,defhome oop
.s traintimeexact
.s def+,off+
.s oop solds,gc,off,def ; shows this info at the time of event name “oop”
.s opa +5 ; shows the offense per acre in 5 ticks
.s ospec,dspec,elite,solds,screds
.s ospec+,dspec+,thief+
.s prisoners
.s horses
.s ratio ; shows the ospec:dspec ratio, ie: 1.25:1


.s peons,maxpop,pspa
.s thieves,rtpa,dtpa,otpa
.s wizards,rwpa,dwpa,owpa
.s wpa +90 ; projects the future wpa in 90 ticks based on current build


.s maxpop
.s underpop
.s overpop

Toggles the swap in/out information for how many soldiers to send out. It will send a PM in discord when the State page is clicked (requires admin role to toggle this).
.config swapspam false
