Help Files
These are the areas you can get help on.
Read about each with the command:
.h <category>
- attack_types
- buildings
- building_effects
- categories
- commands
- draftrates
- dragons
- edicts
- filters
- listables
- list_aliases
- operations
- races
- resources
- rituals
- samples
- sciences
- scigroups
- spells
- titles
- troops
Look up Reflect Magic
.h reflect_magic
REFLECT_MAGIC (spells). Alternate names: reflect magic, reflect_magic, rm.
Cost is (acres + 1000) * 0.68 * 1.80 (see '.spellcost').
Support spell: no
Availability: dwarf
Look up Dwarf
.h dwarf
DWARF (races). Alternate names: dw, dwarf, part dwarf, true blood dwarf.
+3.00 elite offense
+15% be
+20% building capacity
+20% building production
-40% building damage
+100% eating
-25% forts building effect
Spells: clear sight, reflect magic, mist